As the consumption of spirit accounts for millions of dollars in the alcohol industry yearly, it may be time for your business to consider investing in these alcohol brands. Investing in spirits has become an increasingly attractive opportunity with the rising demand for alcohol in the United States.

As an alcohol related business— setting yourself up for success is key. By investing in the top performing alcohol types and brands, you can ensure your business will stand out amongst the crowd. If you’re still unconvinced, Brindiamo Group has put together a comprehensive list of why your business should be investing in spirits.

Here are the top reasons why you should invest in spirits today:

  • Resurgence in Popularity

  • Consistent Demand

  • Producers Need Investors

  • Growth Potential

  • Return on Investment

  • Brindiamo Group Helps Connect Companies to Investors

Resurgence in Popularity

In recent years, we’ve seen a resurgence in popularity of spirit brands. As craft cocktail bars have become more popular as well, the demand for fine liquor for custom intricate drinks has increased. This increase in demand has created a need for larger amounts of liquor to be sold within these establishments. Larger orders from these craft cocktail establishments funnels more money into the spirit alcohol industry as a whole. Increased demand needs more product, which creates opportunity for new businesses.

With the inflated interest in the general public, there has been an increase in at-home sales of spirits as well. Especially with the rise of COVID-19, people want to create a luxury at-home bar experience and mimic these craft custom drinks. With the increasing popularity and demand for fine liquor— you’ll definitely want to consider investing in spirits this year.

Visit Brindiamo Group to learn more about investing in spirits!

Consistent Demand

As the demand for spirits increases, it’s important to recognize that there will always be a demand for fine liquor. Liquor stores are one of the few businesses that have remained open during the pandemic— illustrating the durability in the demand for alcohol in general.

“Investing in spirits can be quite lucrative for you or your business considering it’s a product people will always want and continue to consume. While there will always be a reason to enjoy spirits, this continued demand creates a supportive, steady environment for businesses,” states Brindiamo Group Managing Partner, Jeff Hopmayer. Investing in spirits means you’re investing in a part of your business that will have consistent continued demand generation.

Producers Need Investors

In order for your business to have products to serve, production companies need to create that product. In order to do so, alcohol producers need strong, steady investments. As the equipment and operations for large-scale alcohol production can be expensive, companies like these are likely to need assistance to continue reaching new customers and creating high quality liquor.

This creates the perfect opportunity for someone interested in investing in spirits. With a wide variety of spirit brand options, investors have the opportunity to be selective with their choices. Investments always carry a certain degree of risk, but this can be mitigated when you can choose the option with the highest potential from a large group.

Growth Potential

As a worldwide industry, spirits will always have room to grow. With specialty companies not always accessible internationally, companies will always have a high demand for consumption and production. When you invest in the spirit industry, you put your money into a market that will always have growth potential. Investing in newer production companies early on can create the potential for large gains as the business expands its reach, is available in new markets, and creates more consumers.

Return on Investment

Enjoying fine liquor is never going to go out of style. A recession-proof product— spirits have the potential to offer you or your business a large ROI and long-term partnership. With the potential for long-term operations, as you invest in a successful spirits company you can rest assured that production profitability will come back to you tenfold.

Brindiamo Group Helps Connect Companies to Investors

When considering whether or not to invest in a spirit company, you may need some more help deciding what is right for you or your business. While it can sometimes be a challenge to connect with the right companies, many of these partnerships are specific about how they want to get in contact with investors.

Brindiamo Group helps facilitate productive introductions between those starting a drink company and those looking to invest. Contact Brindiamo Group today!