There is a lot to take into account when starting a small business. Once you decide on a product or service, you need to figure out sourcing, storage, location, staffing, and all the various aspects that go into running a functioning business.

Marketing might seem inconsequential in the beginning, but properly setting your course of action early on can have great benefits down the road. Alcohol branding and marketing companies know the importance of a great logo even though it might not be immediately apparent.

Here are some of the ways a great logo can help your company.

Your Logo is Your Face

Think of all the great logos you’ve seen over the years—the Nike swoosh, the McDonald’s arches, the Pepsi globe. These logos don’t necessarily spell out the company, but everyone knows what they represent. And not only does the logo become synonymous with the company, it portrays an emotion.

This emotion builds into the brand identity of your company. And brand identity is important. This encompasses more than just your product or service. Your brand encompasses your company’s standards, tone, and values. It’s how your customers connect with you.

And your logo is the very first thing your customer will encounter. What do you want someone to understand about your brand as soon as they find you? This is your chance to make a good first impression.

The Brindiamo Group helps startup businesses in the alcohol industry. Contact us today to see how we can help your business get off the ground.

It Makes You Stand Out

Alcohol branding and marketing companies can help your spirits business put together a logo that will get people’s attention. Nobody offers a product that is completely unique. Your whiskey is delicious, but it isn’t the only whiskey that exists. This is why logos are so important—a striking logo can make a new customer pause long enough to discover your brand.

Whether people are perusing the shelves at their local store or browsing the internet, the average person doesn’t give more than a few seconds to a particular item. This is where an attractive and well-designed logo can give them a reason to take notice of your product.

It Gives Them Something to Hold Onto

People like to find a brand they can identify with. Your logo is the best way to accomplish this. And once this connection is created, it’s hard to break. Brand loyalty is the ultimate goal of a product or service. And when it comes to the spirits industry, people can remain true to this brand loyalty for a long time.

Loyal customers are a gift that keeps on giving. And you can be sure that if your logo is eye-catching enough, people will latch onto it. You want to get to the point where people are immediately familiar with your logo. Familiarity feels good to the consumer. Trying something new always comes with a slight risk. Conversely, familiarity is a sure thing.

It’s Expected

People look for logos. This factors into the familiarity aspect of marketing. Your logo should be easily found every time someone comes into contact with your brand. This is what helps your brand stick in the mind of a consumer. You want to be memorable. Otherwise, a potential customer might be walking around their local store, snapping their fingers trying to recall that one whiskey they tried that one time until they give up and buy something else.

A good logo will be easily recalled. Not only will they know exactly what they’re looking for, it’ll eclipse the possibility of them buying something else. If your company is the first thing that comes to mind when a customer thinks of your industry, you’re already ahead of the competition.

It Can Be Used Everywhere

Brand loyalty also extends to products outside of your initial industry. Merchandising is an incredibly popular way to increase the reach of your brand. This gives you the opportunity for other lines of revenue in the way of hats, shirts, or any other kind of promotional merchandise you like.

It doubles as a means of marketing. Once your logo is out there, it’s advertising your brand. It doesn’t matter if people are wearing your merchandise simply because they like the look of it, the result is the same. Your logo sticks in people’s minds the more they come into contact with it. This creates a circle of recognition—searching it out and spreading the word. A well-designed logo is the trick to creating this self-perpetuating cycle of advertising.

Alcohol branding and marketing companies are an essential tool for startup businesses. The Brindiamo Group can put together a plan to build your brand into something your customers won’t forget.