Wine and spirits investors want the best return on their investment. The best way to do this is to get your raw materials for the lowest possible price. Buying materials in bulk is the best way to do this.

However, it’s not as easy as walking down to the store and buying the biggest container they have. Those in the spirits industry know that quality product doesn’t happen overnight. These things take time. And because of the long production process, it can be difficult to find a quality product at a low cost.

Bulk liquid sourcing in the alcohol industry is a great asset to wine and spirits investors. But what does it entail?

Find a Supplier

The first problem to solve is where to find quality spirits. This can be done by either having a large catalogue of suppliers you know to provide quality products, or spend a lot of time on the phone trying to find them.

The alcohol industry experts at the Brindiamo Group have a list of industry partners that can supply a new business. But what does it take for a supplier to be considered an adequate source?

The Brindiamo Group helps wine and spirits investors navigate these important considerations. Visit us today to see how we can help you.

How Much Stock

There isn’t much point in sourcing a material that is going to quickly run out. A wholesaler needs to take this into account when finding their source. Sales projections will need to be considered when the initial order is placed. After this, you need to be sure the supplier isn’t going to run out of materials. A steady source of materials is beneficial and will guarantee your product won’t have to change essential ingredients before you are ready to do so.

Quality of Product

Why would you want to sell something that isn’t good? Your label is going to be on the package, so you want to be sure the product inside is going to be up to your standards. And all materials are not made equal. Finding a supplier with a quality product is possibly the most important consideration. A quality product can take your brand a long way. An inferior product can be just as effective in the opposite direction.

When Is It Ready?

Whiskey takes a long time to make. Years. The importance of finding a supplier that has the product ready to go can’t be overstated. The sooner you get the materials in your hands, the sooner you can process them and put your product out to be sold.


The idea of a business is pretty simple—create more money than you spend. Wine and spirits investors know that it all boils down to capital. So finding a supplier with a price tag that won’t drain the bank account is very important. There are many things that are factored into a proper range at which a purchase is profitable. A balance will need to be struck between the level of quality and price you are willing to pay for it.

Get It to Market

Simply having a quality product isn’t enough. A company also needs to be able to get their product on shelves. After all, what’s a great product that customers can’t access?

This requires a lot of planning and upkeep. The process is complicated but it isn’t impossible. Essentially, a company needs to make its product reliably available for purchase.

But what needs to be aligned for that to happen?

Knowing Where to Put Your Money

Investments need to be made in more places than suppliers. It can be difficult to know exactly where to put your funds so that you see the greatest return. Navigating all the options can become overwhelming but strict attention is required. The Brindiamo Group has been assisting companies allocate make investments for years.

Finding Your Place

If you find yourself with the opportunity to travel around the country, you’ll notice different areas have different products. Sure, there will always be the national brands, but there are a number of smaller sub-markets with specific product niches. Finding the niche that fits your product is important to exposing your brand to people inclined to purchase it. The ability to find these opportunities is a valuable skill. It is just as important for you to make your product available as it is for a customer to find it.

Maintaining a Sustainable Plan

Businesses need to make goals. How much should you make in each quarter this year? What kind of return on investment can you expect? These types of things help build a roadmap to a business model that can be maintained and prolonged.

Wine, whiskey, and other spirits investors can get overwhelmed with all that goes into starting a business in the alcohol industry. Visit the Brindiamo Group to see how they can help you today.