The ways in which you interact with your customers will dictate the success of your business. After all, you could have the best product in the world, but nobody will know about it unless you tell them. So how do you spread the word about your product?

Marketing is the conversation you have with your customers. And sometimes these conversations change without the business realizing it. This can have negative effects not only on the engagement your company receives on its website, social media outlets, and advertisements — it can show itself in a drop in sales.

So what’s the best way to address this situation? Completely rebranding your company is an extensive and ultimately expensive undertaking. But a refresh can breathe new life into your brand, marketing, and overall business.

What Does It Mean To Refresh Your Brand?

Your brand is the face you show the world. It’s your logo, your color scheme, your attitude in communications, and the ideals that drive your day-to-day operations. Your brand is important. An effective one can connect with customers for a long time.

However, alcohol branding and marketing can occasionally become stale. But just because something is stale doesn’t mean you need to completely tear it down and start over. This isn’t about rebranding your company — you’re simply refreshing it. Overall, this opens the business up to less risk than a complete rebrand.

A refresh can take many forms. Perhaps your logo gets a slick update, your voice becomes a little more contemporary, or your product line reflects emerging trends and customer habits. These updates will affect the way you communicate with your customer base which will be reflected in the marketing.

Visit the Brindiamo Group to see how we can help with your alcohol branding and marketing efforts.

How Do You Know When To Refresh Your Alcohol Branding and Marketing?

Awareness of the perception of your company is essential. This can be learned through analyzing the interactions with your marketing efforts, sales figures, or through simply asking your customers questions.

Are you still reaching your target audience? Have they changed? If so, this could be a sign that it’s time for a reworking of your strategy.

Have you been consistent in the presentation of your company? Perhaps you’ve tried a few small things lately and they’ve started to confuse your customer base. A consistent presentation of your company is the only way to convey a singular brand for customers to identify with. Any vagueness can be cleared up with a refresh.

Or perhaps your business is simply growing. This, of course, is a good thing. But it can also necessitate a refresh of your marketing strategies and branding. Be sure you are continually addressing the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

Analyze Your Current Performance

Look at your recent sales numbers. Are there any markets that have started to have a negative trend? This can signify a loss of connection with a specific customer.

How about your marketing initiatives? These should have some specific data that shows who is interacting with what, and how that translates into sales. A drop in engagement with your content signifies that people aren’t connecting with it. If they’ve engaged with your content in the past, this could mean your customer base is changing. And if that’s true, you need to change with them.

Alcohol branding and marketing is about finding your customer and speaking directly to them. Analyzing the performance of current initiatives will tell you how successful these efforts have been.

Market Research

You direct competition can tell you a lot about what works and what doesn’t. Let’s be clear about this — you aren’t analyzing the performance of your competition to find ideas to use. That would be stealing and won’t help your business. Your company is not the same as your competition, although you do compete for specific customers.

So how can you use this information? Find out what isn’t working for them. Once you recognize what is working for them, you can also see what is not working. You can use this information to avoid making similar mistakes. You can also use this information to see where the holes are in the market. These holes symbolize customers that aren’t being addressed. And if you think they could have an interest in your product, they could be a new potential customer base.

Who Is Your Audience?

This is the ultimate question. Who are the people you are trying to engage? Who are the people that would be most interested in your product or service? Ideally, you’ve already answered this question a long time ago. However, you should frequently revisit this question to ensure you haven’t worn yourself into a rut. 

A refresh is the perfect time to realign your alcohol branding and marketing efforts to ensure you are directly addressing your customers.

Contact the Brindiamo Group to see how we can help you today!