Every industry is subject to change over the years. In the alcohol, adult beverage industry, we are constantly seeing changes in trends, brands and even liquor regulations. Due to an increase in digital distribution and an increased demand for creativity in the industry, we can expect to see more and more new and exciting alcohol beverages on the market in the future.

With that in mind, you’ll want to be able to keep up with the changing ideas and upcoming beverage trends in the adult beverage industry. Brindiamo Group has the new and upcoming alcohol news you’ll always need.

Here’s what has been going on in the beverage industry as of late:

  • Agave Influenced Liquor
  • Back to the Bars
  • Family Owned Wineries
  • Brindiamo Group Helps Companies get into the Alcohol Business

Agave Influenced Liquor

With tequila and mezcal sales having climbed by 17.4% in the last year, industry experts are seeing a heavy increase in the desire for unique takes on the original tequila blends. With agave being an important flavor to standard tequila blends, a growing number of spirits are beginning to incorporate agave in new, unique ways. Much different from traditional agave spirits such as sotol or racilla, this new take on agave infused liquor transcends what you would tend to expect.

From agave distilled vodka, gin, Canadian whiskey and even cognac, the adult beverage industry is seeing an influx in these uniquely distilled liquids. A fast growing category of agave influenced liquor flavors, you should expect to see a variety of agave distilled spirits on the market in coming years.

Back to the Bars

As the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over and still poses a danger for those who are unvaccinated, the American people have begun to take their chances and get back to regular bar life. Since cases have been reduced and vaccination rates have increased, most states have relaxed mask mandates and eased bar and restaurant capacity restrictions. In light of that, those that haven’t already done so will likely be doing so very soon.

Following more than a year spent at home, to-go cocktails, bulk bottles of wine purchases, and so much more, bar patrons are ready to get back to regularly scheduled programming. With all of this in mind, as more and more people get ready to spend time in their favorite bars again, the industry can expect to see an increase in demand for those creative, crafty cocktails, innovative liquor flavors and more from the recent moves within the adult beverage industry.

Visit Brindiamo Group to learn more about alcohol investments today!

Family Owned Wineries

A decade ago, small-to-midsize wineries had a fighting chance of snagging shelf space at wine shops across the country, right alongside bigger players in the industry. While it wasn’t unexpected to find a few local wines at your favorite liquor shop, thanks to a spike in the number of American wineries from 2009 to 2021, the number of family-owned wineries in the country has grown by nearly 75%. As we’ve said before, in the past two years, the industry has seen an increase in the demand for creative, innovative alcohol blends.

This also spans the world of wine! With a large demand for local, unique flavors, smaller, family-owned wineries have been able to thrive within the market. As the model for small wineries’ success has been shifting for at least a decade, the ongoing pandemic has changed the manner in which our world consumes liquor. From the process of sourcing adult beverages, product imports and exports, and the distilling process, wine creation has taken a new turn. A new economic standpoint, family-owned, local or small wineries have taken a front seat in the adult beverage industry.

Brindiamo Helps Get Companies into the Alcohol Business

Investing in the right liquor for you or your business can be a difficult feat, especially if you’re new to the alcoholic beverage industry. When considering whether or not to invest in the alcohol industry, you may need some more help deciding what is right for you. Brindiamo Group helps facilitate productive conversations with the right partners.

Contact Brindiamo Group today!