The holiday season is upon us. This brings a long list of considerations both in our private lives as well as our professional lives. 

The end of the year can mean a wrapping up of current affairs as well as looking forward to what’s coming next. And a big part of this is going to be our financial plans and current investments.

Those seeking new investors as well as those seeking new investments have some new considerations that come around throughout this time of year.

And whether you’re looking to invest in stocks or directly into a new business itself, it’s best to consider everything that can impact the success of these various types of investments.

This is why we’ve put together these seasonal factors to discuss how they impact individuals and entities on both sides of the investing coin.

Here are some factors that will influence beverage industry investors over the holiday season:

  • Thanksgiving and Black Friday

  • Christmas

  • End of the Year

  • Increased Alcohol Usage

  • Preparing for Spring Launch

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Spending trends change over the course of the holidays. Consumers are much more likely to make large purchases throughout the last few months of the year when compared to any other time throughout the year.

Retailers and manufacturers know this so they offer an ever-changing cascade of deals, sales, and bundles. The most famous example of this is the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as Black Friday.

This tendency and practice tends to be seen as a bump in stock prices. And as this trend happens every year, investors are more likely to put their money into trending industries before these big changes happen.

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A main driving factor behind these Black Friday sales is another major holiday coming up on Thankgiving’s heels: Christmas.

Holiday retail sales alone accounted for over $700 billion in 2019. This willingness to spend extends to many other industries over this time period as well. Food and beverage industries see a major spike as people host others as well as purchase items for themselves.

Beverage industry investors are liable to see a great increase in stock prices and sales over the holiday season, with Christmas acting as a major reason for this.

End of the Year

The end of the year is always a time for a bit of a personal reckoning. New Year’s resolutions are a common practice that can extend to professional considerations as well.

The fourth quarter is often a time where people will analyze their yearly performance against their financial goals. These final months act as a last chance to rectify any under-performing areas on an investor’s portfolio. 

Beverage industry investors are looking to use the holiday windfall of consumer spending to their advantage. Stocks show a capacity for climbing. Investors are looking for new opportunities to both end the year on a strong note as well as set up the first quarter of the next year for success.

Increased Alcohol Usage

The holidays see an increased amount of social gatherings. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and more bring large groups of people together for meals and celebrations. And a large aspect of many of these gatherings is alcohol.

In fact, Americans are said to double their intake of alcoholic beverages during the holidays.

Beverage industry investors are keen to this tendency. An increased willingness to purchase a product will directly relate to potential gains for investors.

Researching and predicting swells in sales for an industry is a major aspect of successfully navigating investments.

Preparing for Spring Launch

Another potential opportunity for beverage industry investors outside of purchasing stocks is to invest in a new business. These opportunities allow investors to get in on the ground floor with a startup and potentially even gain equity in return for their financial contribution.

Spring is generally regarded as a good time to launch a new business. The winter thaw convinces a lot of people to get out and enjoy being in public once again. Businesses — particularly those in the beverage industry — are well-positioned to offer these patrons a place to go.

Planning and preparation must begin months before launch, however. The tail-end of the year is a great time for beverage industry investors to connect with startup businesses as they arrange their resources with a goal of a spring launch.

Meaningful Connections Breed Advantageous Relationships

Brindiamo Group connects beverage industry investors with new brands and startups in need of financial support. Put our contacts to use and find a partner that will help get your business either up and running, or transitioned to the next level.

Contact Brindiamo Group today!