Starting a business in the spirits industry often begins with creating a great product. Sourcing quality spirits is incredibly important. After all, who’s going to purchase a product that isn’t good? A lot of focus gets put on creating a good product, and then the attention goes to the launch. This includes logistics of distribution, marketing, and so on.

But there is one very important aspect of introducing a new product into the spirits market that can’t be overlooked: the packaging.

There are many people that make their decision as to what they will buy as they peruse the selection at their local spirits market. Does your product stand out against the rest?

Packaging is one of the most basic forms of alcohol branding and marketing. But how does it affect your sales?

Creates Interest

Your packaging does more than hold and transport your product. It is also your ambassador. It is your salesman. A quality package that displays a beautiful logo will stand out to the shopper that is calmly perusing the shelves of their local market. Plain labels with uninspiring typeface simply get glossed over as the customer scans their choices.

But great packaging will give them a reason to pause. This is your opportunity. Simply catching a customer’s attention is one of the hardest things for a product to accomplish. Your packaging can help create this first step toward a sale and introduce a new customer to your product.

Visit the Brindiamo Group to learn how they can help with alcohol branding and marketing.

Solidifies Your Brand

Your company’s brand is important. It communicates essential information to your customer — your values, your goals, your identity, and more. Creating a unified and full understanding of your brand helps customers to get a deeper sense of your company. And when this is accomplished, it creates an opportunity to build a relationship.

Alcohol branding and marketing need to create a unified vision to communicate to the customer. A well-designed package for your product will feed into this vision. It helps your customers to recognize your product, but it also helps them to recognize everything that goes into your business model.

Contributes to Company Culture

Your company culture is essentially your personality. It relates to how your employees feel while they’re at work. What do you provide to make their lives better? These types of considerations show through your brand and provide something for your employees to recognize. A positive company culture often results in positive opinions from customers.

Great packaging communicates the culture that drives your business. Does your package communicate a light-heartedness or does it take itself very seriously? Either of these options are fine, as long as it aligns with your company culture. Customers will respond to these characteristics if it feels genuine.

Give the Customer Something to Connect With

Think of your favorite logo or package. Chances are that you have been patronizing that company for a long period of time. This is because we often feel a kinship with our favorite companies. They reflect our values. They provide us with a product that improves our quality of life. This is your opportunity to create this connection with your potential customers.

A long-term connection is the ultimate goal of alcohol branding and marketing. These are the customers that will carry your business to the next level. But you need to give them something with which to create this connection. Your packaging is the first step toward accomplishing this.

An Opportunity to Stand Out

There are no rules when it comes to packaging in the spirits industry. Do you want to explore green options? Would you like to try a different shape for your bottle? This is your chance to express the identity of your company. It’s also an opportunity to set yourself apart from your competition.

Take Crown Royal, for instance. Their purple bag has become iconic in the spirits industry because it is unique, it aligns with their brand, and it’s immediately recognizable. This is a great example of how packaging can have a direct effect on sales. Don’t be afraid to try something new. It could pay off in a big way.

Aesthetics Are Important

Consumers connect with products that look good. This is a simple idea, but it’s undeniably true. People want to have something that looks as good as it tastes. Well-designed packaging lends itself to pictures. And in today’s social media-driven world, being photogenic can provide great returns for your product.

Undesirable packaging won’t inspire a potential customer to try the product inside, no matter how great it is. Alcohol branding and marketing is about sparking interest and giving the customer something to enjoy. The aesthetic appeal will push customers either toward or away from your product.

Contact the Brindiamo Group today!