Did you know that the consumption of quality whiskey accounts for millions of dollars in the alcohol industry yearly? With that in mind, now is the time to begin investing in whiskey. Investing in whiskey has become increasingly more popular, especially as bars and more restaurant establishments begin to open back up.

As someone interested in alcohol investments, investing in high quality whiskey can set you or your business up for success. If you’re still unconvinced, Brindiamo Group has put together a comprehensive list of why now is the time for your business to invest in whiskey.

Here are the top reasons why Whiskey Investment is a good idea:

  • Prime Market

  • Limited Editions

  • Longevity of Investment

  • Easily Stored

Prime Market

Over the past year alone, with so many people left to isolate at home and create their own unique alcoholic drinks, along with bars now consistently reopening their doors— the demand for high quality whiskey has increased. Jeff Hopmayer, Brindiamo Group’s Managing Partner, states that, “Whiskey, typically known as a more masculine drink in the past, has become more of a respected, luxury type of alcohol. Similar to types of expensive, aged wines, whiskey is beginning to be treated in a similar manner.”

With whiskey quickly becoming a booming portion of the alcohol investment market, now is a perfect time to get ahead of the game and begin investing in quality whiskey bottles, casks, or distilleries.

Visit Brindiamo Group to learn more about investing in whiskey!

Limited Editions

A reason why whiskey investing has such a big appeal relates to the release of multiple limited and special edition bottles from many years ago. Whether you are an enthusiastic collector, an investor, these limited edition bottles or casks are quite valuable. Some limited edition whiskey bottles may have only had two active bottles in circulation, so if you’re able to get your hands on a rare, quality liquor, you might not want to pass up the opportunity.

The longer an alcohol is in storage, the more valuable it becomes! Almost like a vintage car, vintage, quality whiskies can be an extremely valuable investment.

Longevity of Investment

Similarly, investing in the right whiskey can become a long term investment for you or your business. Whether you purchase already vintage, limited edition bottles, or you intend to store newer whiskies for ten to twenty years, the longevity of whiskey investment can prove to be quite fruitful.

There are a number of ways to invest in whiskey such as bottles, casks or even distillery shares. However, with each type of investment come different risks. Depending on your business or your investment goals, investing in distillery shares may benefit your long term investment needs more so than individual bottles.

As we said earlier, limited and special edition whiskey bottles can become even more rare if you wait a while, and a whiskey from ten or twenty years ago is often even more valuable merely because it will be considered vintage or a historical treasure. If you are really patient with your whiskey investments, you might be rewarded ten fold in the long run.

Easily Stored

One of the biggest reasons whiskey investing has become so popular as of late is due to the ease of storage. Most whiskey is easier to store than wine, and can be kept in most environments. This can often come in handy for those looking to easily store and manage bulk liquor options. However, if you are a whiskey collector, you may want to store quality bottles for longer periods of time which should take much more thought and planning.

Pro Tip: When storing your whiskey, be sure to keep bottles away from sunlight, keep all bottles upright so as to not affect the cork, and make sure the storage temperature is lower than room temperature. All of these elements will ensure that your whiskey is properly secured to last for years to come, and so that less whiskey will evaporate through the cork.

Brindiamo Group Helps Connect Companies to Investors

Investing in the right whiskey for you or your business can be a difficult feat, especially if you’re new to the alcoholic beverage industry. When considering whether or not to invest in whiskey, you may need some more help deciding what is right for you or your business. While it can sometimes also be a challenge to connect with the right companies, many of these partnerships are specific about how they want to get in contact with investors.

Brindiamo Group helps facilitate productive introductions between those starting a drink company and those looking to invest. Contact Brindiamo Group today!