Did you know that the whiskey industry market is expected to grow by 6.5% compoundly in the next few years? With that in mind, it may be time for your business to find wealth in whiskey investments. The whiskey market has become an increasingly attractive opportunity with the rising demand for high quality alcohol in the United States.

As a business who profits off of liquor— setting yourself up for success is key. By investing in the top performing whiskey types and brands, you can ensure your business will stand out amongst the crowd. If you’re still unconvinced, Brindiamo Group has put together a comprehensive list of how your business can find wealth in whiskey.

Here are the 4 ways to find wealth in whiskey:

  • Whiskey Flipping

  • Storage Solutions

  • Understand the Industry

  • Investment Longevity

Whiskey Flipping

One of the first ways you may be able to find wealth in whiskey is through whiskey flipping! Flipping is a common term used to describe the act of buying limited edition alcohols with the intention of preserving and later selling them for more of a profit.

For some, they may seek out limited whiskey releases to purchase and flip, others may have obtained long aged whiskeys as a gift or family hand-me-down. Regardless of how you obtain the high quality liquor, whiskey flipping is one way to bring you or your business increased alcohol sales revenue.

Visit Brindiamo Group to learn more about investing in whiskey!

Storage Solutions

Generally speaking, the quality of unopened whisky stays the same for a long time. However, it is still important to properly store whiskey bottles for peak quality maintenance. When it comes to bottles intended for investment purposes, a whiskey bottle shouldn’t be opened under any circumstances, and all bottles should be stored upright to avoid contact between the cork and spirit inside.

With this in mind, your business can also find wealth in proper whiskey storage solutions. Properly storing whiskey bottles can be tricky for some, and if you already plan to invest in high quality whiskies, you might as well make use of proper liquor storage solutions. This can be a pricier option up front, but with long term use, you could begin to store larger amounts of whiskey product to further distribute later on.

Understand the Industry

When it comes time for you to consider investing in the right quality whiskey, understanding the industry well is the best way to ensure your investments are well-founded. Be sure to do your research around the performance of notable distilleries, the market in general and which bottles are most desirable is highly advised. Recognizing what your investment goals are can assist in the decision making process when it comes to making the right investment choice.

For those who already love whiskey, this probably won’t be too difficult. However, for those getting involved for investment purposes only, help from a liquid sourcing advisor like Brindiamo Group can help to facilitate productive introductions between those starting a drink company and those looking to invest.

Investment Longevity

When it comes to finding wealth in your whiskey investment, there are a number of ways to do so. This can include bottles, casks and distillery shares. However, with each type of investment come different advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your business or your investment goals, opting to purchase bottles may benefit your long term investment needs more so than casks. “In terms of cask investment, investors who opt for this route tend to have more freedom with the liquor to either sell it back to distilleries or bottle their own produce,” states Jeff Hopmayer, Managing Partner of Brindiamo Group. With this in mind, you will lose some cash towards the proper storage of your whiskey investment.

As with any investment, second-hand whisky is all about timing and patience. For investors looking to jump the gun, be sure to keep a close eye on the market, and keep track of distillery performance or the latest whiskey releases. In doing so, you can set yourself up for success and find wealth in whiskey investments much sooner.

Brindiamo Group Helps Connect Companies to Investors

When considering whether or not to invest in a whiskey, you may need some more help deciding what is right for you or your business. While it can sometimes be a challenge to connect with the right companies, many of these partnerships are specific about how they want to get in contact with investors.

Brindiamo Group helps facilitate productive introductions between those starting a drink company and those looking to invest. Contact Brindiamo Group today!