Operating a successful business in the spirits industry takes a great focus on a handful of different factors. Each aspect of your business needs to be optimized in order to both shrink your margins and provide a great product to your customers.

This includes everything from your packaging, to your marketing strategy, to your logistical distribution processes.

And you can have all of these factors perfectly aligned, but it won’t translate to success if you don’t have a reliable source for buying bulk spirits.

Sourcing quality bulk spirits is the foundation on which your business is built. The customer’s experience with your product is going to be a major deciding factor between a successful brand and one that doesn’t withstand the test of time.

So what should you keep in mind when sourcing your product?

Here are 6 tips to keep with mind when buying bulk spirits:

  1. Narrow Your Focus

  2. Find a Network of Suppliers

  3. Consider the Volume

  4. Keep Distribution in Mind

  5. Create Long-Term Relationships

  6. Work With Professionals

1. Narrow Your Focus

There are a wide variety of options to choose from when attempting to locate a source for bulk spirits. A person will never be able to sort all of the available options and make an informed decision. It’s simply too much information to sort through.

So you will need to narrow your focus as much as possible. This begins with deciding what type of alcohol you would like to sell. For instance, are you considering a whiskey or a rum? Your search can be narrowed down even more from there. Are you considering a Kentucky bourbon? Or perhaps a Tennessee whiskey?

Obtain samples from potential suppliers to find the product that most aligns with your business model.

2. Find a Network of Suppliers

The best way to find all of your potential options for buying bulk spirits is to tap into a pre-existing network of suppliers. This is a list of distilleries that have products available to be shipped, bottled, and sold.

Access to this network can be difficult to find without the help of a professional in the spirits industry. Brindiamo Group is an expert at helping small businesses in the spirits industry source their liquid products. 

Having a list of reputable sellers ensures you won’t waste your time with a supplier that can’t meet all of your needs.

Visit Brindiamo Group to learn more about buying bulk spirits!

3. Consider the Volume 

The size of your operations will have an effect on where you source your spirits. Each distillery will have their own limitations relating to production. Some distilleries have the infrastructure necessary to fulfill multiple large orders in a short amount of time, while others simply don’t have the capacity to accommodate these needs.

However, you might not need large-scale production if your own operations are still fairly small. Focus on trying to find a supplier that is in a similar place in the industry as yourself. 

You want your supplier to be able to grow alongside you and meet your demands, but it’s not necessary for them to produce at a level that is far beyond your needs.

4. Keep Distribution in Mind

Shipments, order fulfillment, and production time all need to be kept in mind for all stages of the process. Your company will have its own needs, which will relate directly to the needs of your clients and customers.

This needs to be considered when you are buying bulk spirits. How quickly can you get a shipment if you find yourself low on product? What is the turnaround time between placing this order and shipping out items ready to sell?

Sourcing will affect the ultimate customer satisfaction in more ways than simply how the product tastes. Logistics needs to be factored into the equation as well.

5. Create Long-Term Relationships

Consistency is key to securing a loyal customer base. Return customers are the lifeblood of a successful spirits company. This is much easier to accomplish when your customers are able to know exactly what they’re getting every time they purchase your product.

And this is accomplished by continually buying your bulk spirits from the same distillery. 

Work hard to create a strong relationship with your supplier. Their success is directly tied to your own. Be communicative. Be understanding. And be willing to work with your supplier to make sure the relationship is beneficial on both ends.

6. Work With Professionals

The best way to ensure you are able to find quality bulk spirits from reliable producers is to create a connection through a professional company. 

Brindiamo Group introduces producers and suppliers to facilitate growth for each business. We have a strong network of suppliers and distilleries that can help your spirits company grow and succeed.

Contact Brindiamo Group today!